Whether you’re looking for recreational property, income producing, suitable for horses, land to build custom homes, for development or residential lots we can help you identify & purchase the right property. Vacant ground may seem like a simple investment but there a number of important factors to research before you purchase and that is what our team will help you do to best meet your needs and goals.
Here are a few examples of land and lot details we research before you purchase land or lots:
- Zoning
- Taxes
- Financing options, possible owner financing and local banking connections
- Public utility that are available water, sewer, electric, gas, phone,
- Topography
- Easements, building setbacks, road access
- Survey
- Architectural Control, Restrictions & Indentures, Dues
- Any land usage restrictions
- Soil peculation for septic systems
- Flood Zones
- Environmental Tests
- Previous use of the property
- Surrounding property usage
- Mineral, hunting, crop, and drilling rights
- Private road and maintenance agreements
- Share features with adjoining properties
Call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your land or lot goals!